Both are broken the same way, poked with something hard in the center of the screen.The flexi cable for the screen is 10mm wide and passes 10mm to 20mm below the right page turn and is very easy to tear the edge. Pry open the back of the device using the pry tool, or similar plastic opening tool. Starting 15mm below the right page-turning button, insert the middle of the pry tool. Call them or use their "contact us" button on the help pages. 1.5 years is out of warranty, but Amazon will give you a discount on a new kindle, plus shipping fees of course. Screen is definitely damaged and kindle will need to be replaced.
uk If you interested or Kindle owner, try to read the download Kindle model D00901 manual or user guide pdf files before purchase. Available Amazon kindle model d00901 specs E-book reading device This article is about Amazon's E Ink e-readers.
Watch videos, play games, listen to music, browse photos, and buy the movie on Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD.

Welcome to the official site for Disney Frozen. Once the Kindle's screen begins to flash, release the Home key. Release the power slide, then immediately press and hold the Home key for another 30 - 45 seconds. Clean the Screen: If your Kindle's touchscreen. Even if the device is totally frozen, you can usually trigger a restart by holding down the power button for about 20 seconds, or until the screen flashes blank. Restart Kindle: The simplest solution is to restart your Kindle by holding down the power button and choosing to shut down or restart.

Your Kindle screen should go blank or dark and then slowly come back to life. If that doesn't work, try what is called a "soft reset." To do a soft reset on your Kindle press the, , and keys simultaneously. Inside crochet issue 127 Plugging the charger in and giving your Kindle battery some much needed power often will un-freeze the screen.